Pre La Tomatina

Posted: September 2, 2011 in Uncategorized


Well I’m exhausted…. A late night last night and a long day today. I made it to the hotel eventually… I ended up taking a cab after walking part way and getting lost.

The hotel is pretty nice and my Room Mate C is awesome and Australian, shocking I know!

After everyone got checked in we went to this “Fancy” bar down at the harbor for a party! Lots of music tons of people all excited for La Tomatina!!

I can not wait!!!! Seriously is it time to go yet?

Drinks were cheap and lots of People stayed lag but C and I called it a night around 1 and went back to the hotel and got food. This is about when I discovered that when I’ve had a few drinks apparently I can speak Spanish. I have no idea where it came from but I was able to ask and answer questions in Spanish and order food! Go me!

We ate our food now it’s time for bed we need to be up at 6:00 tomorrow!

No pics today sorry but I’ll have a few tomorrow.

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